Saturday, November 04, 2006

Creating an ACE CLC

Last week Alan Forbes, who is running a project for Victorian ACE educators came onto one of our Breeeze sessions. He is keen to show a group of 14 Victorian ACE educators how to set up an informal connected learning community.

I told him that I am happy to host a couple of sessions for them or draw them into the existing CLC sessions or other appropriate networks but I am wondering if I am doing them a favour by using Breeze.

At the moment I'm thinking of bringing them into my Tuesday 1pm sessions and just going over the basics of setting up connected blogs but maybe it would be good to have a session using DiscoverE. Can anyone suggest an appropriate Victorian network to plug them into? What platform are most of the Victorian organisations using?

I'd appreciate any suggestions.


Blogger Unknown said...

hi Wendy, good to meet up with you in the Victorian "Live Classroom" - shame we couldn't get your microphone to work. I haven't heard back from Clint regarding what might have happened.

Looks like an interesting environment, but there was such a big difference between what you saw as a participant, and what i could see as moderator.

Hopefully Alan will have a chance to look at this another time. Looking forward to seeing what he starts up.

Kind regards, michael chalk

2:41 PM  
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